The                  Â
In 1936 the first edition of the Negro Motorist- Green Book was released. This was an annual guidebook for Black motorist, with Black "friendly" businesses listed by state, deemed safe for Black consumerism. Victor Hugo Green's idea and creation of the Green Book was necessary and revolutionary. In a time of Jim Crow and segregation, for Blacks finding safe harbor along your journey was vital.
" The Purple Book "
The Purple Book (TPB) is TRIBE's tribute to the legacy of the Green Book and in the spirit of Madame C.J. Walker, by highlighting Black Girl and Women-owned businesses.
We want to make sure that Black Girls have the opportunity to support each other in our entrepreneurial endeavors. We also hope by building this collection Black Girls can find inspiration in the drive and success of our sisters.
The Purple Book is absolutely free and available to any all Black Girls and Women Business owners who want to be listed. Simply fill out the form below.
Our first edition will be available on May 25th, 2023,
the birthday of the first Black Woman Millionaire,
Madame C. J. Walker.