SIHLE, pronounced "see-lay" comes from a Swahili word for beauty and serves as an acronym for sisters informing, healing, living, and empowering.
SIHLE is a CDC Evidence-Based Intervention. This STI/HIV and unintended pregnancy prevention intervention is based on social cognitive theory and theories of gender and power. The program is cultural- and women-specific for Black adolescent Girls at risk for negative sexual health outcomes.
We thank the developers and trainers of SIHLE all over the world continuing to do the work for the betterment of Black Girls.
What makes TRIBE's SIHLE Program special?
-We have Master Trained Facilitators!
Our Master Trained Facilitators were trained by the curriculum developers and have been certified to make adaptations to the curriculum. With approved adaption training, we can provide SIHLE to Black Girls regardless of physical or learning capabilities, and access issues.
-All of our sessions are in Care Free Black Girl Zones!
That means that the Facilitators and Near Peers will reflect the population they serve. Our spaces are safe and secure for participants to feel they can share, be heard, and seen without feeling exploited or overlooked. We reach girls where they are. It's not just a curriculum, it's a Sisterhood!
-We're always getting better!
Every conference, every session makes us even better at effectively facilitating SIHLE! We are constantly updating our programmatic tactics and adding the latest technology, music, and other media to enhance the SIHLE Experience.

SIHLE, pronounced "see-lay" comes from a Swahili word for beauty and serves as an acronym for sisters informing, healing, living, and empowering.
SIHLE is a CDC Evidence-Based Intervention. This STI/HIV and unintended pregnancy prevention intervention is based on social cognitive theory and theories of gender and power. The program is cultural- and women-specific for Black adolescent Girls at risk for negative sexual health outcomes.
We thank the developers and trainers of SIHLE all over the world continuing to do the work for the betterment of Black Girls.
What makes TRIBE's SIHLE Program special?
-We have Master Trained Facilitators!
Our Master Trained Facilitators were trained by the curriculum developers and have been certified to make adaptations to the curriculum. With approved adaption training, we can provide SIHLE to Black Girls regardless of physical or learning capabilities, and access issues.
-All of our sessions are in Care Free Black Girl Zones!
That means that the Facilitators and Near Peers will reflect the population they serve. Our spaces are safe and secure for participants to feel they can share, be heard, and seen without feeling exploited or overlooked. We reach girls where they are. It's not just a curriculum, it's a Sisterhood!
-We're always getting better!
Every conference, every session makes us even better at effectively facilitating SIHLE! We are constantly updating our programmatic tactics and adding the latest technology, music, and other media to enhance the SIHLE Experience.

What Happens In SIHLE?
Session one: We encourage participants to explore and discuss the roses and thorns of being a Black Girl and discuss stigmas attached to the sexualization of Black girls. Participants also acknowledge the accomplishments of Black Girl Magicians of the past through reading their poetry, biographies, and exploring their art.
Session two: We raise awareness of health issues plaguing the Black Girl Community.
We explore HIV and Teen Pregnancy risk reduction strategies, such as abstaining from sex, using condoms correctly and consistently, and other healthier lifestyle choices. We also discuss healthy nutrition, heart health, endometriosis, and other reproductive health issues that Black girls/women face.
Session three: We use role-plays and cognitive rehearsal to increase young
women’s confidence in their ability to communicate assertively. By using examples from modern media and real-life scenarios, participants are not only given the tools for healthy communication, but also a chance to practice them.
Session four: Emphasizes the importance of healthy relationships with self, family, and friends. The Lead Facilitator and near-peers lead discussions in how unhealthy relationships can make it difficult to live your best life.
Each session is completed in a "Care-Free Black Girl Zone" that is a safe and confidential environment where Black girls can be open, honest, and unapologetically themselves. This allows them to be receptive to building relationships and retaining the information we give them the confidence to share it with the members of their tribes.
If you are interested in hosting a SIHLE Cycle at your school, community center or organization please email inquiries to programs@blackgirltribe.com